Pelican Setup - at Ease
So 04 August 2013 by Andreas HüwelBase Installation of Pelican
Shell is your friend? I’ll show howto create a blog with pelican, straightforward following pelican getting_started as suggested with python 2.7 - in an virtualenv.
Set up Python in Virtualenv
Sure you have virtualenv and pip installed? For Debian/Ubuntu:
> sudo apt-get install virtualenvwrapper python-virtualenv python-pip
> virtualenv --no-site-packages pelican_blog_env
> cd pelican_blog_env/
> source bin/activate
> which python
> python -V
Python 2.7.3
Install Pelican
> pip install pelican
WARNING: The C extension could not be compiled, speedups are not enabled.
Plain-Python installation succeeded.
Successfully installed pelican feedgenerator jinja2 pygments docutils pytz blinker unidecode six markupsafe
Cleaning up...
> pip install Markdown
> pip install typogrify
> cd ..
> tar -czf pelican_blog_env-fresh.tar.gz pelican_blog_env/
(I like having clean starting point / tarball, if I mess too much around.)
Build Sceleton
See also Generating Static Sites with Pelican It helped me figuring out what the coming questions ment. (And chapo! I never saw someone typing faster! *gg*)
> pelican-quickstart
Entering the Blog
> cd querbalken
> mkdir content/pages
The site you were asked for is the folder it creates for your blog.
You can change settings later in configfiles…
For me its not clear what happens with the url pelican-quickstart
asked me.
What with
Will it still stay local?
Or will it try to link to my (yet) unexisting online site?
Lets explore that later, sure I’ll figure that out, if needed at all…
The subfolder pages will hold the few static main pages,
like my contact page
Other subfolders of contents are treated as categories. Like rant, tutorials, misc (default, if no subfolders exist).
I will also have an image subfolder, too. Not sure where to place that best.
Then create first content in e.g. content/
and then do
> make html
> make serve
Open in browser localhost:8000
to see the result.
Here you can see what you can do:
> make help
Tweaking Around
Well, I am the only author for my blog, and thus can minimize some settings.
As described in Running Pelican, I changed my
AUTHOR_URL = 'pages/{slug}.html'
And created a first stub page in content/pages/
Seems to work.
Here is a nice theme gallery. For simplicity I just
> cd pelican_blog_env/
> git clone
> rsync -a tuxlite_tbs MY_NICE_THEME
and did there few edits.
Because the theme must be within PYTHONPATH
, I created a symbolic link:
> cd pelican_blog_env/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pelican/themes/
> ln -s ../../../../../pelican-themes/MY_NICE_THEME ./MY_NICE_THEME
Folder Layout
When I look at that it currently looks like this: (See the external draft-content folder? My drafts currently not go online. )
`-- pelican_blog_env/
|-- bin/
|-- include
`-- lib/
`-- python2.7/
`-- site-packages/
`-- pelican/
`-- themes/
`-- MY_NICE_THEME/ (-> symlink to the other)
|-- local/
`-- pelican-themes/
`-- querbalken/
|-- Makefile
`-- content/
`-- images/
|-- mailto.jpg
`-- pages/
`-- draft-content/
|-- images_raw/
|-- output/
Next Day: Remember to Enter Virtualenv
In case I ever will forget, here are those lines to activate my virtualenv.
> virtualenv --no-site-packages pelican_blog_env
> cd pelican_blog_env/
> source bin/activate
Push FTP
> make publish
Then all inside folder output goes up the web.
Make devserver vs make publish
O.K. now I also understand the difference:
make devserver
reads from
SITEURL = 'http://localhost:8000'
That keeps all generated links local. This will be e.g. RSS / Atom Feed pointing to local xml files. (All links directly specified in markdown source will of course point where they point.)
make publish
reads the url you specified (remember pelican-quickstart
This makes all the generated links point to the online website.
Thats all ‘til now. Veery smooth and easy!
Sure, is work left and there are indeed some issues, e.g. with the theme. For example blockquoted code of my markdown has strange artifacts with color highlighting with this theme.
But, I already right now can place articles into web, just having static webspace.
Welcome suggestions…